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Court booking

Members can book up to two weeks in advance You will be provided with a username by email. The first time you login follow the ‘Lost your password?’ link and you will be able to set a password. Hit enter to get access to the system. This will take you to a simple logon screen. It is suggested that you bookmark this login page in your browser for future use.


1. Registering for a mix in.

  • Select a mix in date shown on the calendar.

  • Click ‘Register’ under your name

  • As long as you get two green ticks - Select ‘Save’


2. Booking a court

  • Select a date

  • In Brief Description put your name

  • Select a session (morning, afternoon or evening)

  • Select full or half court

  • As long as you get two green ticks - Select ‘Save’



  • If you are unable to take up your reserved court, please remember to cancel it.

  • There is a fee for guests (who must play with a member) - £10 per person per session.

  • Please always wear flat-soled shoes when playing on the court.

  • All users should put out their own equipment and clear everything away afterwards unless agreed by a following booking group.

  • Please always check the court booking system before you travel to the club in case something has changed​


It would be helpful if players set out the hoops and peg for their own game and, unless someone is scheduled to play on the next session of that day, return all equipment to the locker in the Clubhouse when the game has ended.

Silver capped plastic  pins now mark all the hoop and peg holes for both half courts and a full court.

Please replace these when removing the hoops, otherwise much time is lost aligning and making new hoop postions.


Please ensure that the Clubhouse and the gate to the ground are locked whenever either or both are to be left unattended.

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