A club like ours thrives on the generosity of our members with their time and energies (and sometimes financial generosity too!) Not everyone is in a position to do more than be a paying and playing member, but we are grateful that so many do so much more, both formally and informally.
Tisbury Croquet Club has a strong volunteering ethos, which keeps our subscriptions affordable, encourages club cohesion and teamwork and is often bonding and great fun.
If you feel able to help the following areas would benefit from more volunteer assistance.
- Catering
- Organising / supporting social activities​
Managing tournaments
Publicity / communications / social media
We are extremely grateful for all the individual supporters who have generously contributed to our recent crowdfunding campaign to cover the cost of replacing a vital part of our clubhouse.​​
We wish to acknowledge the generous support we have received from the following organisations ....