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Membership Info

Club Membership subscriptions have been kept low to make the sport available to the widest possible number of interested players in the local area. Membership includes the use of all necessary equipment for croquet and access to the court booking system. 


Membership subscription 1st April 2025 – 31st March 2026  £120

Alternatively, a payment of £20 per consecutive month allows you to play with a member or join mix-in days as often as wished. This can be continued for up to three months before the requirement to become a full member should you wish to continue playing at our club.
This payment can then be deducted from the annual membership subscription.

Join now, pay the full subscription and you get January-March 2025 months free.


Guests/visitors may play with a member for a fee of £10 per person per session payable by BACS at the time of booking. Booking to be made by the member and the name of the sponsoring member and the visitor should be put in the visitors’ book.


Instruction and coaching:

Opportunities for instruction for members are available on the mix-in days.

The  Croquet England website does have some excellent details on how to play each game, and informative videos that may be useful to all members.



The club is able to provide all the equipment necessary to play on the club’s courts. Many members prefer to have their own mallet so that they can get used to it and, by keeping it at home, know that it is always available for their exclusive use. 
Please always wear flat-soled shoes when playing on the court.


Court Booking for members

​There is an on-line system for booking courts independently and to book slots for our established 3hr mix-in sessions on various days. Courts are normally available for play 7 days a week in daylight hours, all year round, weather and maintenance schedule permitting.


Find a Friend for a Game:

Members may join our WhatsApp group to find out when others want to play a game.


Rates for Groups on Application.


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